The following is a list of peach, nectarine, and peach-hybrid varieties recommended for growing in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas by various members of the Monterey Bay Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers, along with their approximate ripening dates. Recommendations reflect personal preferences as well as growing conditions at each grower’s individual site, hence generalized locations are indicated in the table below. This is a living document that will improve as more recommendations are contributed.
Currently listed peaches/nectarines include: Early Treat, Kit Donnell, Duke of York, HW 272, Elberta, Mid Pride, Babcock, Frost, Betty, Raritan Rose, Red Haven, Silver Logan, Kit Donnell, Georgia Belle, Cal Red, Last Chance, Kaweah, Arctic Star (Nectarine), SpiceZee (Nectaplum)
← Recommendations of other fruit species
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