Monterey Bay CRFG member Freddy Menge was interviewed October 1, 2022 by Joe Truskot on KSQD Radio’s “In the Garden” program. Check out Joe’s video, which includes the audio program plus photos of the assorted apples Freddy highlighted during the program. This lively, informative show brings to light various apples that were included at the MB CRFG’s annual apple tasting (see Andy Moskowitz’ article reviewing the event and the apples) on October 8, 2022.
Monterey Bay Apple Tasting 2022 – Rankings and Highlights (72 Apples)
Epicenter Orchard Tour and Tasting

The Monterey Bay CRFG recently visited Epicenter Orchard in Watsonville, the home of Freddy Menge’s apple, pear, plum, and cherry collection/orchard, the source of many of the apples offered for tasting in the annual MBCRFG apple tasting (cancelled this year due to Covid).
During this tour and fruit tasting, members walked through the trees and discussed growing fruit holistically, pruning styles, wildlife and insect habitat creation, irrigation, varietal selection, weed control…
The approximately hour long tour was followed by a discussion and tasting of different varieties that are ripe at the time, many of which are shown and named in the video.
Apple Cider Presentation by Jim Rider
If you’ve wondered how to make apple cider, what equipment to use, or what apple varieties that thrive locally may make a cider you’ll enjoy, then check out our September 2021 meeting video, featuring local apple specialist and cider enthusiast, Jim Rider.
Jim Rider is a power hitter in the local fruit world and beyond. A 5th generation Pajaro Valley, California, apple grower with a master’s degree in Pomology from Cornell, for decades he’s been a local leader as an innovative and influential organic orchardist, a pioneering red-fleshed apple breeder, and longtime MBCRFG member. He’s also a mainstay provisioner of apple and pear wood for our annual scion exchange and major contributor of unique varieties for our yearly apple tasting.
Jim has taken a serious interest in cider making over the last decade, and when Jim Rider puts his mind to something, it comes out good. It’s truly regrettable the group wasn’t able to taste any of his fine, dry, delicious production, but Jim will be gracing our chapter with a zoom presentation to discuss the ins and outs of fermenting our own.
His talk was tailored to the backyard fruit grower wishing to make cider from their own fruit. All aspects of the process were covered, from handling of the fruit, selection and suitability of apple varieties, yeast strains, juice handling, fermentation management, bottling, sanitation, carbonation, storage… Watch the You Tube video and enjoy hearing Jim talk about this fascinating topic.
White Sapotes in Northern California
The Monterey Bay Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers presents Tom Addison on growing White Sapotes in Northern California. Many varieties are discussed!
What’s Upcoming in the Citrus World?
Dan Willey, the “fruitmentor”, discusses new citrus varieties with the Monterey Bay California Rare Fruit Growers. Wondering what new varieties are coming up? Dan’s presentation solicits ideas from the growers’ group.
Techniques: Thinning Fruit and Trapping Gophers
Monterey Bay Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers meeting May 10, 2021 to discuss techniques and questions about thinning fruit and about trapping gophers. Presented by Freddy Menge and Sharon Zo.
Monterey Bay CRFG Presents Discussions on Avian Pest Control and on Elderberries
Two great topics in one meeting — “Supporting Beneficial Birds and Managing Pest Birds” presented by Jo Ann Baumgartner of Wild Farm Alliance, and “Elderberries, the Tiny but Mighty Native Super Fruit” presented by Katie Reneker from Carmel Berry Company.
Growing Subtropicals in Santa Cruz County, California
Nate Blackmore discusses Santa Cruz County microclimates and the varieties suitable for successful fruiting in Santa Cruz County, California.
Growing Avocados in Northern California
The Monterey Bay Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers presents Ellen Baker and Freddy Menge discussing tactics for success in growing Avocados in Northern California. Included are tips regarding varieties of interest in the Central Coast area.