California Rare Fruit Growers is the largest amateur fruit-growing organization in the world. The Monterey Bay Chapter—serving home gardeners and market farmers alike in Santa Cruz, Monterey, and beyond—holds fun and informative tastings, workshops, and exchanges throughout the year. Learn more and join in!
My name is Robert and I have a question I plan on going to the South Carolina areas in the next few weeks where can I find a reputable dragon fruit cutting seller with lots of voriety?????
California that is.
Hello I am looking for gardeners to trade with. Scions and cuttings. I am also looking to exchange dragon fruit cuttings.
Hope there are some individuals I can connect with to expand my gardening pals network.
Hi Michelle, which varieties do you have to for trade?
Hi Does anyone know where I can get the cuttings of the new variety dragon fruit developed in California named MYLA?